Tag: digital preservation

DPF Manager Updates

DPFManager is the most advanced TIFF conformance checker for digital preservation that has been created and designed by a strong community of experts who are highly interested in file format validation for digital preservation. DPF Manager allows archivists to know the state of their TIFF images in terms of preservation. It validates the files with the main standards (Baseline 6, TIFF-EP, TIFF-IT), and additionally checks the conformance to the newest TIFF for Archival (TI/A) Recommendations (in process of ISO standardization). Continue reading

Acting on change: new approaches and future practices in digital preservation

The conference, organised by PERICLES project in association with the DPC Awards 2016, is aimed at those working to develop digital preservation policy, strategy and procedures; establish digital preservation infrastructures and workflows; systems developers, providers and procurers; and those interested in seeing the systems and tools developed that reflect their needs and environment. Continue reading

DPFManager 3.0 released

A new version of the DPF Manager, version 3.0, is now available to download in the PREFORMA Open Source Portal, including a relevant set of improvements and changes. DPF Manager is the most advanced TIFF conformance checker for digital preservation. The initiative is promoted by Easy Innova, the Digital Humanities Lab of the University of Basel and the Agents Research Lab of the University of Girona. Continue reading

E-ARK project webinars

During November 2016, Open Preservation Foundation is running two webinars with E-ARK to introduce their key outcomes. E-ARK is a multinational big data research project that aims to improve the methods and technologies of digital archiving, in order to achieve consistency on a Europe-wide scale. The topics will cover the interoperability specifications developed by the project and the tools which implement these specifications. Continue reading

Mediainfo, MediaConch and FFmpeg in the preservation of digital video

During late July 2016, Dave Rice and Ashley Blewer delivered two workshops at Tate Britain in London on the use of Mediainfo, MediaConch and FFmpeg in the preservation of digital video. Have a look at the blog post published by Ana Ribeiro on PERICLES Blog which reports on the result of these workshops. Continue reading

Preservation and Archiving Special Interest Group (PASIG) conference

The Preservation and Archiving Special Interest Group (PASIG), among the preeminent international conferences on Digital Preservation, is coming to NYC. PASIG is a place to learn from each other’s practical experiences, success stories, and challenges in practicing digital preservation. Join us at the Museum of Modern Art this Fall as the international digital preservation community gathers for three days of exchange and sharing. Continue reading

Learn more about the conformance checkers

The PREFORMA project is running a webinar series throughout September to present the three conformance checkers that are being developed for electronic documents, still images and audiovisual files. The webinars will: introduce the PREFORMA project, update participants on the current status of the conformance checkers, demonstrate the software, outline future plans, and give examples of how the community can contribute, or provide feedback. Continue reading

veraPDF 0.20 released: download and test it!

The latest version of veraPDF is now available on the PREFORMA Open Source Portal. Keep up to date with the latest developments of veraPDF and support our efforts by downloading and testing the software. If you encounter problems, or wish to suggest improvements, please add them to the project’s GitHub issue tracker. veraPDF will be demonstrating the software at the PREFORMA Experience workshop on 23 November in Berlin. Continue reading

No Time to Wait: Standardizing FFV1 and MKV for Preservation

Check out the results of the symposium organised In Berlin in conjunction with IETF’s 96th meeting and hosted by Deutsche Kinemathek, Zuse Institute Berlin, and MediaArea. The symposium brought together 70+ audiovisual archivists, technologists and format designers with a focus on the standardization of a preservation-grade audiovisual file format combination package. Continue reading

PERICLES-PREFORMA-MediaConch workshop at Tate

On Saturday 23 July Tate hosted a workshop in London focussing on new tools to support the conservation of digital video, led by Dave Rice and Ashley Blewer. The workshop focussed on the functionalities existing with the latest versions of MediaInfo and MediaTrace accessed via the command line, and demonstrated the additional user friendly functionality being developed through MediaConch in developing policies for the technical evaluation of files. Continue reading