Tag: digital preservation

No Time to Wait! 3

MediaArea and the British Film Institute are pleased to announce the third No Time to Wait conference, a free two-day symposium focused on open media, open standards, and digital audiovisual preservation hosted by the British Film Institute, who are about to begin a 5 year digitisation of obsolete videotape formats, preserving to open formats. Continue reading

iPres 2018 – where art and science meet: the art in science and the science in art

iPRES 2018 BOSTON – Where Art and Science Meet – The Art In the Science & The Science In the Art of Digital Preservation – will be co-hosted by MIT Libraries and Harvard Library on September 24-27, 2018. The call for contributions seeks abstracts for papers that tell stories about bridging knowledge gaps in teams, implementing technologies, and overcoming barriers towards proper digital stewarding of digital items, assets, works and collections. Continue reading

CIDOC 2018 Call for Papers – EXTENDED DEADLINE

Extended deadline until 31st March: proposals for presentations, workshops, case studies,  for CIDOC’s annual conference. Visit the CIDOC 2018 Call for Papers page for submission guidelines and selection criteria: http://www.cidoc2018.com/call-papers. *About the CIDOC 2018 Theme* The ‘Provenance of Knowledge’ is a core element … Continue reading

Towards a New Audiovisual Think Tank for Audiovisual Archivists and Cultural Heritage Professionals

The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision has released its new White Paper, Towards a New Audiovisual Think Tank for Audiovisual Archivists and Cultural Heritage Professionals. The White Paper, the first effort from a new ‘AV Think Tank’ on audiovisual … Continue reading

Virtual reality re-creation preserves iconic Indianapolis church

A 3D digital re-creation and preservation of Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, the oldest African-American church in Indianapolis, was performed by Indiana University and recently presented to the public. Bethel AME Church has historically been the heart of the African … Continue reading

veraPDF 1.10 released on International Digital Preservation Day

The latest version of veraPDF is now available to download. veraPDF is an open source PDF/A validator, and version 1.10 marks the first release of veraPDF as part of the Open Preservation Foundation’s (OPF) reference toolset. The latest version of veraPDF is now available to download. veraPDF is an open source PDF/A validator, and version 1.10 marks the first release of veraPDF as part of the Open Preservation Foundation’s (OPF) reference toolset. There are also a number of other fixes and improvements which are documented in the latest release notes. Continue reading

CyArk 500 Challenge: digital preservation of top archaeologic sites

The CyArk 500 Challenge has the ambitious goal to digitally preserve 500 cultural heritage sites within the next five years. Heritage sites are a significant part of our collective memory and we are losing them at an alarming rate, due … Continue reading

MediaConch Users Survey

MediaArea is immensely grateful to have been involved in the PREFORMA challenge over the past three years. Through this initiative, MediaArea has been given the opportunity to further contribute the cultural heritage sector through the development of the open source audiovisual conformance checker tool, MediaConch. To better understand our users and plan more efficiently for the future of this software, MediaArea would appreciate your feedback via this MediaConch Users Survey Continue reading

Shaping our future memory standards (2/2)

Hosted by the National Library of Estonia, the PREFORMA International Conference “Shaping our future memory standards” brought together 150 people worldwide to discuss the importance of standardisation and file format validation for the long term preservation of digital cultural content, discover the potential of the open source conformance checkers developed in PREFORMA and look at future challenges and opportunities. Continue reading

AMIA 2017 Conference

Programmed by professionals working in the field, the annual AMIA Conference is the largest gathering of motion picture and recorded sound archivists and interested professionals. More than 550 people from around the world, interested in the preservation and use of moving image materials, meet every year to share information and work together. The 2017 edition of the AMIA Conference will be held on 29 November – 2 December 2017 in New Orleans. Continue reading