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- Vila-seca, Catalonia, Spain. June 17-20, 2025
The ATLAS Annual Conference 2025 is taking place from 17 to 20 June 2025 in Vila-seca, Catalonia, organised by the ATLAS Association for Tourism and Leisure Education and Research. The theme of the event of this year is Tourist destinations … Continue reading →
- Launch of new book: Creative Tourism, Regenerative Development, and Destination Resilience
The CREATOUR Observatory delivered the new interesting book Creative Tourism, Regenerative Development, and Destination Resilience. The book draws upon the international conference, “Creative Tourism, Regenerative Development, and Destination Resilience”, which was held 8 to 10 November 2022 in the Azores, … Continue reading →
Tag: e-Infrastructures

The main objective of the cooperation is to evaluate the possibility to reuse data made available by OPENAIRE in the Proof-of-Concepts organised by DCH-RP targeted at demonstrating how e-Infrastructures can be of benefit for the DCH community, in particular for the preservation of digital cultural content. Continue reading

ICRI 2014 offered a high level international forum where key stakeholders could meet, discuss and contribute to bringing forward global issues related to Research Infrastructures. Co-organised by the European Commission and the Greek EU Presidency of the European Union, it … Continue reading

A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed to formalise the fruitful cooperation started in the past months between the two projects funded by the European Commission, with the aim to set-up of a Proof-of-Concept in DCH-RP, based on the work and prototypes developed in APARSEN, and to develop a common registry of services and tools focused on digital preservation. Continue reading

After the successful workshops and networking sessions jointly organised by DCH-RP and SCAPE, the two projects are now planning the next joint activities, such as the possibility to set-up of a Proof-of-Concept in DCH-RP based on the work and prototypes developed in SCAPE and the organisation of other joint events. Continue reading

Open access, open data, workshops, training events, and much more… The February edition of the EUDAT News Bulletin has been released to keep the community updated about the latest news and developments from the project. Continue reading

Proposal for a workshop organised by PREFORMA in the frame of the EGI Community Forum in Helsinki. Aim of this event is to present to the whole digital preservation community – open source community, developers, standardization bodies and memory institutions – the new opportunities offered by the project and by the forthcoming call for tender. Continue reading

Aim of this workshop, organised by DCH-RP project, was to present the first concrete results of the cooperation between different projects aimed to the development of a joint registry of services and tools for the long-term preservation of digital data and to demonstrate how these services can be tested and used by memory institutions. Continue reading

EGI.eu and APARSEN organised an EGI Community Workshop focusing on “Managing, computing and preserving big data for research”. The workshop, which was held in Amsterdam from 4th until 6th of March 2014, brought together all scientific domains within the EGI community to discuss and develop requirements on e-infrastructures to foster and support the generation, analyse and usage of the research data. Continue reading

January brings with it lots of new activities from EUDAT including the open Call for Collaboration Projects offering free resources and expertise to pilot collaboration projects as part of its Collaborative Data Infrastructure. Research communities, projects and individual researchers are invited to make use of its data services and should apply before 26th February 2014. Continue reading

The iPRES 2014 Coordinating Committee invites contributions of papers, posters, demonstrations, tutorials and workshops related to the increasingly broad topic of digital preservation. Deadline: 28 March 2014. Continue reading