Tag: education

WEAVE Team member published chapter in Creative Activism Research, Pedagogy and Practice

text by Rosa Cisneros, C-DARE Coventry University. This collection explores the growing global recognition of creativity and the arts as vital to social movements and change. Bringing together diverse perspectives from leading academics and practitioners who investigate how creative activism … Continue reading

WEAVE visits Coventry University MA History students

text by Marie-Louise Crawley, C-DARE Coventry University. On Thursday 17th March 2022, students on Coventry University’s (UK) MA History ‘Cultural Heritage and Public History’ module, were delighted to meet team members from WEAVE and to learn more about the WEAVE … Continue reading

New collaboration with Kulturtanken – Arts for Young Audiences Norway

UNCHARTED project has just established a collaboration with Kulturtanken – Arts for Young Audiences Norway, the Ministry of Culture agency responsible for ‘The Cultural Schoolbag‘, the crux of the government’s policy for bringing culture and art to children and young … Continue reading

Online Survey on Master Courses on Digital Humanities and Digital Cultural Heritage

Within the framework of the UNESCO Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage at the Cyprus University of Technology, as well as the current work in different EU funded projects in the area of Digital Cultural Heritage, we are working to investigate … Continue reading

PAGODE – Europeana China at the basis of a students project

EU funded PAGODE – Europeana China project is making an impact on education, being included in a students project for the Master in Cultural Studies at KU Leuven. The organizing students of this “PAGODE group” are Gelan Cen, Lilia Chalakova, Shau Zou … Continue reading

CitizenHeritage presented at DTCE 2021

The 1st International Online Conference on Digital Transformation in Culture and Education took place on 14-16 April 2021, hosted by the Serbian Library Association Section for Digital Transformation. The Conference provided an excellent forum for digital librarians, researchers and practitioners to … Continue reading

‘Arts Technologies’ at Serpentine Galleries

Text by Caterina Sbrana. “Our Galleries are temporarily closed due to current coronavirus restrictions. We look forward to welcoming you back again soon”. This message is on the home page of the Serpentine Galleries website and it’s similar to others we … Continue reading

9 December: International Day for the Commemoration and Dignity of Victims of Genocide

Text by Caterina Sbrana. Today, the 9th December, is the International Day for the Commemoration and Dignity of Victims of Genocide and the Prevention of This Crime, established in September 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly. Unfortunately the twentieth … Continue reading

Digital offering at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History of Washington

Text by Caterina Sbrana. The pandemic from Sars Covid-19 has accustomed us to receive messages of cultural events, exhibitions, concerts, shows that are cancelled. Museums and art galleries have also closed public visits. However, digital technology is trying to bridge … Continue reading

‘Welcoming Culture in Universities- Awareness of Gypsy Roma Traveller’s culture’

The project, carried out by Rosemary (Rosa) E Kostic Ciseros from Coventry University’s Centre for Dance Research included a symposium, 2 art exhibitions, 2 online campaigns, 3 films. During the activities GRT and non-GRT academics and artists and policymakers worked … Continue reading