Tag: education

What can Europeana bring to Open Education?

The annual conference organized by EADTU, the OOFHEC2016 – Online Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference – took place on 19-21 October in Rome. Over the past years, universities have intensified a deeper transformation of teaching and learning in higher education, based … Continue reading

“Creative with Digital Heritage” – E-Space MOOC is accepting enrollments right now

How can you engage with and reuse the wealth of digital cultural heritage available online in many repositories such as Europeana? How can you become an active user of this content, using, remixing and reinventing it for your research, lessons, … Continue reading

Show & Tell & Touch: Digital Culture and Education

Contemporary education, formal classrooms, museum educational programmes, lifelong learning are all increasingly embracing ‘the digital’. As more and more arts and culture artefacts become available in this digital space, it was only a matter of time before the two worlds, … Continue reading

E-Space for education: launching a MOCC “Creative with Cultural Heritage”

Europeana Space project, focusing on increasing and enhancing reuse of Europeana and other online collections of digital cultural content by creative industries and education is developing a MOOC, a massive open online course, to be launched in the fall of 2016. … Continue reading

E-Space at INTED 2016

by Clarissa Colangelo, KU Leuven From the 7th till the 9th of March 2016, the 10th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference took place in Valencia, Spain. Every year, INTED brings together more than 700 delegates from 80 different … Continue reading

E-Learning 2016: New Strategies and Trends

This conference seeks to anticipate the future of education, offering a critical inside look into the current trends and resources being used in teaching and learning environments. The 2016 e-learning strategies and trends will be explored through the presentation of … Continue reading

Young Art Detectives – students engagement with the Rode Altarpiece Demonstrator

Similarly to the various humanitarian and science fields involved in conducting scientific research, the developed study activities fo the educational programme integrate different subjects: history, arts, religious studies, Social Studies, native language, mathematics, and chemistry. As an exciting and playful aspect, the children will operate as art detectives while solving the assignments. Continue reading

E-Space for Education: stories from the Athens workshop

by Barbara Dierickx (PACKED) On January 22nd 2016, the EuropeanaSpace Education team gathered in Athens. The day leading up to the Hack the Book event our partner Onassis Cultural Centre (OCC) co-hosted a public workshop, focussing on educators. Within E-Space, … Continue reading

Best Practice for Education Workshop

This workshop is the first celebration of the work Europeana Space project is doing in the domain of Education. During this workshop, current best practices for environments/applications to facilitate re-use of digital cultural heritage content in an educational context were examined. ‘Education’ here … Continue reading

e-AGE 2015: Revealing and Harvesting Knowledge

Integrating Arab e-infrastructure in a Global Environment, e-AGE, is an annual international event organised by the Arab States Research and Education Network, ASREN. This year, the event is being held in Casablanca, Morocco, on 07-08 December 2015, under the title “Revealing and Harvesting Knowledge”. e-AGE brings together stakeholders representing regional e-Infrastructures, R&E networks and local/national/international organisations in order to discuss and debate new models for innovation, integration of R&E networks, policies for sustainable development in education, means of knowledge sharing and dissemination, capacity building programmes, region-wide e-infrastructure deployment to tackle today’s issues pertaining climate change, global economy, food, water scarcity, alternative energy and environment. Continue reading