Tag: education

Africa’s education techies hackaton for social good

Aim of the game, taking place on May 17 – 20 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, is in the title: over four intensive days of competitive creation, participants of “Gamify it! Hackathon!” will set out to prove whether it’s possible to achieve a measurable impact towards sustainable development through fun and engagement. Jointly organised by GIZ, iceaddis and eLearning Africa, the hackathon will finish up at the eLearning Africa conference on May 20, where teams will present their newly-developed gamified tools. Continue reading

Audiovisual Experimental Documentaries “to make visible what is not”

The CSA (Audiovisual Experimental Center) is a workshop for cine-audiovisual shooting, which was established during the academic year 2013-14, as part of the “Prosmart” master’s degree (in Prato), promoted by University of Florence in partnership with PIN (the University Center … Continue reading

Digital skills have the same importance as English and Maths

The Select Committee was appointed by the House of Lords on 12 June 2014 “to consider and report on information and communications technology, competitiveness and skills in the United Kingdom”. Computer technology brings “huge opportunities for the UK, but also significant risks”, the Committee warns. The internet should be viewed as a utility service, alongside water and electricity, it says. But without action, the UK may fall behind in the new digital era. Continue reading

European High Level Conference on “Education in the Digital Era”

The European High Level Conference on “Education in the Digital Era”, organised by the European Commission in close cooperation with the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union,took place on December 11th in Brussels. The event enabled interested stakeholders to discuss the opportunities and challenges of adapting education to a fast changing, digital society and economy, whilst shaping education’s place and priority in the EU’s sustainable growth agenda. Continue reading

Open Education: Condition Critical

Thursday November 20th 4:30-6:30pm, at Coventry University, a panel exploring opportunities to critically and creatively experiment with different ideas of what the university and education can be. Open Education: Condition Critical What for decades could only be dreamt of is now almost … Continue reading

Media & Learning 2014 conference

Media & Learning 2014 is dedicated to the latest developments, services and uses of media in education and training. Aimed at both policy makers and practitioners, the purpose of this annual event, organized by the Flemish Ministry of Education, is to … Continue reading

How technology is reshaping learning and teaching?

Once there were notebooks, pens and colouring pencils; now books and pencils are joined – and often replaced – by laptops and tablets. Nowadays the children entering school are fully fledged digital natives. Technology reporter at the Daily Telegraph Sophie Curtis recently took part in an interactive experiment run, which involved sitting through two English lessons: one held the old way, without any kind of technology, and the second with all the latest digital gadgets. Continue reading

All Our Yesterdays, a huge success for the photographic exhibition!

The flux of visitors at Palazzo Lanfranchi was more or less continuous since the opening (11th April), but a boom of visits was registered on the 17th May during the European Night of the Museums. In this occasion the exhibition was open till midnight and almost 800 visitors crowded the vintage rooms of the palace where the photographs are hosted, in a truly charming environment. Continue reading

Capturing the intangible

Capturing the Intangible was a two-part event taking place at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, in London, on the 29th May and 5th June 2014, at 6-8pm. The two discussion panels introduced the notion of intangible heritage and its relation with performance and discussed the relevance of material knowledge to virtual culture, whilst considering the future role of Cultural Institutions. Continue reading

TICAL2014 Conference

The TICAL Conference is the place where the community come together, which is feed primarily with the experiences, knowledge and initiatives presented by universities, providing significant and unprecedented solutions around ICT topics for higher education institutions in all the areas of the university labor. Continue reading