Tag: EGI

The 4th Euro-Mediterranean conference on Digital Cultural Heritage

Extract from the article by Steve Brewer, EGI, available on EGI’s blog. EGI, European Grid Infrastructure, was one of the protagonists of this valuable event that collected experts from the digital cultural heritage field, researchers, scientist and technicians. The common goal is to focus on interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research on tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage, the use of cutting edge technologies for the protection, preservation, conservation, massive digitalisation and visualization/presentation of the Cultural Heritage content (archeological sites, artifacts, monuments, libraries, archives, museums, etc) Continue reading

How EGI is supporting digital cultural heritage

EGI brings together a platform of computing resources from centres across Europe. Many of these have experience in providing services for the DCH research community. EGI is now building on this heritage as a partner in the DCH-RP project and participation in the Euro-Mediterranean Conference in Cyprus. Continue reading