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- 3-5 March (13:00 -12:00 CET), online and Former Austrian Länderbank and Museum of Applied Art in Vienna
- Launch of new book: Creative Tourism, Regenerative Development, and Destination Resilience
The CREATOUR Observatory delivered the new interesting book Creative Tourism, Regenerative Development, and Destination Resilience. The book draws upon the international conference, “Creative Tourism, Regenerative Development, and Destination Resilience”, which was held 8 to 10 November 2022 in the Azores, … Continue reading →
- The High Mountain is launching a crowdfunding campaign
The High Mountains Social Cooperative launched a crowdsourcing campaign for the restoration of the Old Primary School in Demati Zagori village. The goal of the initiative is to transform the school, which has been closed since the 1980s, into a … Continue reading →
Tag: Eötvös Loránd University

The proceedings of the SoPHIA Stakeholders’ Virtual Conference: Cultural Heritage – Rethinking Impact Assessments, held last April 21 and 22, have been released. The Conference gathered over 240 participants from 50 countries, mainly from Europe but also from beyond. The … Continue reading

Last 19 February, Dr György Eszter, interviewed by the “HALLGATOI MAGAZINE” reported her direct experience in carrying on the case study of the minority heritage pilot within the REACH project. Dr György, presented a global overview of the objectives, initiatives … Continue reading

TEMA+ European Territories Heritage and Development Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree programme, lunched a full day agenda of workshops, conferences, visits and debate on the theme of cultural heritage. The event was organized by ELTE in cooperation with CEU (Central … Continue reading

“URBAN AND HOUSING SYSTEMS UNDER PRESSURE: VARIETIES OF RESPONSES” This is the title of the Conference organized by the Metropolitan Research Institute of Budapest 27-29 September 2019. The conference aimed to identify policies and tools which can help to build … Continue reading

The 21th May a local encounter organized by Elte University, task leader of Minority Heritage Pilot, was held at the Gandhi Secondary School, located in Pécs; this is the first secondary school in Europe, devoted to preparing young Roma for … Continue reading

The upcoming local encounter of the Minority Heritage Pilot f REACH Project will be focusing on Roma intangible cultural heritage. It is hosted by the Gandhi High School in Pécs, the first Romani high school which became a part of … Continue reading

The conference was co-organized by ELTE, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, together with the students of the Cultural Heritage MA programme of the Atelier department. The students completed a research during the first semester in three groups: they had … Continue reading

The second Faro Convention research-action workshop “Cross-fertilization roads between Heritage and Participatory Citizenship” took place in Huelva (Spain) the 3-4 December. It focused on the actual organization of “heritage communities” to both manage such enlarged “cultural heritage” and participate effectively … Continue reading

The seminar is organised in the framework of the European Year of Cultural heritage and aims to: • Present and analyze the opportunities and benefits offered by the participation to European research programs. • Give visibility to research and innovation … Continue reading

Yesterday evening at 18,00 was held the “Heritage-Evenings” event, organized by ELTE BTK Atelier Európai Társadalomtudomány és Historiográfia Tanszék. During this joint Heritage evening, the representatives of the two H2020 projects, REACH and Open Heritage, introduced and discuss the differences … Continue reading