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- SYMPOSIUM ON HYDRAULIC HERITAGE, Nice and Saint-Martin-Vésubie, 28-29-30 April 2025
The Symposium on Hydraulic Heritage will take place in Nice and in Saint Martin Vésubie from 28 to 30 April, 2025. The three days of debates and field work represent an international meeting between academics and practitioners from countries around … Continue reading →
- By Harry Verwayen, General Director of the Europeana Foundation, and Sneška Quaedvlieg-Mihailović, Secretary General of Europa Nostra and Project Leader of the European Heritage Hub
As Europe navigates a complex landscape marked by a dramatic climate crisis and escalating socio-political tensions, including wars at our doorsteps, as well as by the rise of artificial intelligence, the role of cultural heritage – digital, tangible and intangible- … Continue reading →
Tag: Europeana Space

A rich program of speakers and creative sessions to build bridges between Cultural Institutions and Creative Industry. Digital Cultural Content Re-imagined: New Avenues for the Economy and Society. The Opening Conference of Europeana Space is a great event held in Venice on 16-17 … Continue reading

On July 1 2014, the Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel opened the new permanent exhibition “Resistance against National Socialism” in the German Resistance Memorial Center in Berlin. The entire social breadth and ideological diversity of the fight against the National Socialist dictatorship is are documented in 18 topic areas. The barrier-free permanent exhibition is accompanied by a wide range of media and materials, along with an audio guide in seven languages and a video guide in German Sign Language. Continue reading

Many of the objects within the archive collection have been sourced directly from Davies and her collaborators’ personal collections, whilst other items have been kindly lent by institutions and private contributors. Almost all of these objects that would otherwise remain inaccessible and unavailable appear online for the first time, and in many cases represent the first time objects have been viewed by anyone since their original date of creation. Continue reading

Decoda is an organisation that has grown from the Summer Dancing festivals, initiated in 2007 at Coventry University by Katye Coe. It is an artist led project based in the West Midlands with an international reach. Decoda creates spaces for conversation, … Continue reading
Following the Amsterdam pilots meeting which was very productive, CULTURELABEL provided a questionnaire for the pilots to complete, to help them address some of the issues around commercialisation and business potential and provide us with some more background info in this area. Continue reading

Guided by prof. Fred Truyen in his double role of Europeana Photography coordinator and Europeana Space pilot leader, the participants met in the Museum room of the Faculty of Arts at KU Leuven. This joint workshop is just a first step in a close cooperation between the two projects, Europeana Photography and Europeana Space, and a concrete action for searching new business opportunities involving digital cultural heritage. Continue reading

The event brings together world class speakers from across industries to discover, share and explore new ways to build big ideas in the cultural and creative industries. Continue reading

Europeana Space is a very large project characterized by experimentation and creativity: in facts its main aim is to trail new ways of re-use for the digital cultural heritage, in order to unlock its potential in terms of business and creation of new jobs. An important meeting will take place in Amsterdam on 15-16 May, hosted by partner Noterik and coordinated by the WP4 leaders iMINDS and Promoter. Continue reading

Digital photographs, film and sound recordings, books and museum objects are no longer hidden in archives, libraries and museums, or scattered on different websites, but more accessible and used in various ways by central services and Internet portals thanks to … Continue reading