Tag: Europeana

Uncovering Ethnomusicology on Europeana Music Collections

blog by Europeana Sounds appeared on Europeana on 19 December 2016.  The Music Collections of this month is focused on anthropology and its links with sounds and music studies, in France and in the world. Ethnomusicologists seek to understand what is music and … Continue reading

Discover the story of Leonardo’s Colossus in the new Europeana virtual exhibition

Europeana, the European digital library, just launched a new online exhibition, focused on the story and project of Leonardo’s monument to celebrate Francesco Sforza, the founder of the Sforza dynasty in Milan. In 7 chapters and enriched with interesting stories, … Continue reading

What can Europeana bring to Open Education?

The annual conference organized by EADTU, the OOFHEC2016 – Online Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference – took place on 19-21 October in Rome. Over the past years, universities have intensified a deeper transformation of teaching and learning in higher education, based … Continue reading

“Creative with Digital Heritage” – E-Space MOOC is accepting enrollments right now

How can you engage with and reuse the wealth of digital cultural heritage available online in many repositories such as Europeana? How can you become an active user of this content, using, remixing and reinventing it for your research, lessons, … Continue reading

Europeana DSI-2 kick off in Vienna

Hosted by the Austrian National Library in the prestigious location in Vienna, on 7-8 September the kick-off meeting of the Europeana DSi-2 project took place. The aim of the DSI-2 project is to ensure the continued operation of the Europeana … Continue reading

Europeana Network Annual General Meeting 2016

The magnificent National Library of Latvia in Riga hosted this two-day event on 8-9 November 2016: this year the focus of the conversations was on topics like Europeana and the cultural commons, developments of our Network Association and Europeana’s impact … Continue reading

Show & Tell & Touch: Digital Culture and Education

Contemporary education, formal classrooms, museum educational programmes, lifelong learning are all increasingly embracing ‘the digital’. As more and more arts and culture artefacts become available in this digital space, it was only a matter of time before the two worlds, … Continue reading

#BigArtRide from April to June 2016

The #BigArtRide tour is a part of the Europeana280 campaign to launch Europeana Art History Collections – and will celebrate the Dutch Presidency of the EU.
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E-Space at INTED 2016

by Clarissa Colangelo, KU Leuven From the 7th till the 9th of March 2016, the 10th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference took place in Valencia, Spain. Every year, INTED brings together more than 700 delegates from 80 different … Continue reading

Europeana aligns with the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF)

As part of the Europeana Cloud project, a document proposing data modelling solutions for representing digital objects (such as images) and full-text with a particular focus on Newspapers resources was just released. One of the use case focuses on the … Continue reading