Tag: Europeana

IPR: good or bad for Creativity in the Digital World?

In a recently published post on the Cultural Studies Leuven blog, Prof. Fred Truyen (KU Leuven), coordinator of the E-Space project’s photography pilot, offers some reflections on his experience with Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in the successfully concluded EuropeanaPhotography project… Continue reading

Search in Europeana via the Toolbox realised within the E-Space Museums Pilot

The Toolbox of Europeana Space Museums Pilot is a web-based application designed for museum curators, that will allow them to create always brand new educational videos and promotional worksheets melting the museums/memorials contents with the cultural heritage available in Europeana, the European digital … Continue reading

Innovate your photographic heritage and your future business!

Prof. Fred Truyen of KU Leuven recently published an interesting article on his Digital Culture blog, under the title “Europeana Space Photo pilot: Innovate your photographic heritage … and your future business!” The article tells the commitment the E-Space project is devoting through its Photo Pilot to demonstrating a range of possibilities offered by apps, Europeana API’s and a multitude of tools developed by the open source community to come up with innovative models involving historical and present-day photography, with monetising potential and investment appeal. Continue reading

Europeana Space MOOC

Europeana Space acknowledges the key role of digital cultural heritage to enhance education learning and training since the very beginning of the project. A dedicated task on education and training material is foreseen in the project planning and led by … Continue reading


CUTE is a yearly mas­ter­class series on cul­ture and tech­nol­ogy, orga­nized by the Nume­di­art research insti­tute, and brings together a panel of world-renowned experts in var­i­ous high-tech fields and get them to meet all kinds of audi­ences (research, arts, indus­try) … Continue reading

weLand connects “prosumers” into a glocal network

weLand Association is a cultural NGO founded in Asti, South Piedmont (Italy), in August 2012. Its aim is to develop a regional network of individuals and groups interested in aggregating, sharing and reusing open data for GLAMs, education institutions and tourism stakeholders. The idea of the association arises from the firm belief that innovation (and so the elements which innovation is generated by, culture and creativity) should take into account a bottom-up engagement of the community, in order to fully realise its potential and to become a real driver of social and economic development. Continue reading

EAGLE project: excellent progress!

“Excellent progress: the project has fully achieved its objectives and goals for the period and has even exceeded expectations”. So the European Commission concluded on 19 May, in Bruxelles, its review of the EAGLE project’s activities. The project’s conclusion looks really promising! Stay tuned! Continue reading

E-Space technical infrastructure taking shape

E-Space WITH is an innovative concept for an infrastructure, which exposes APIs from different portals and repositories. It allows the user to search content of interest from a single access point into different and disjointed repositories and databases such as Europeana, the DPLA Digital Public Library of America, YouTube.. and of course the Europeana Space own repository, currently under construction. Continue reading

Europeana Business Plan 2015: Make the Beautiful Thing

In May, Europeana has launched its Business Plan 2015. This is the first year of the Europeana Strategy 2015-2020, which outlines how the company will transition into a multi-sided platform: a truly networked organisation working together to create the largest repository of trusted, accessible and re-usable digital heritage in the world. The Europeana Business Plan 2015 reflects this change in perspective. Continue reading

PREFORMA at the Study Visit of the Leonardo da Vinci Project

On 12th of May 2015, Sònia Oliveras from the Municipal Archive of Girona presented PREFORMA at the Study Visit of the Leonardo da Vinci Project in Girona. This study visit was developed through several workshops about digitalisation, publication in Europeana and digital preservation. Continue reading