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- PREFORMA POPULAR TAGS in Digitalmeetsculture
- audiovisual Berlin Brussels call for tender conformance check cultural heritage digital archive digital preservation DPF Manager FFv1 file format validation file formats IPRES MediaArea.net MediaConch Open Source Portal open source software PCP PDF/A policy checker PREFORMA standards TIFF VeraPDF Webinar
Topic: preforma

What’s new in MediaConch 16.08, the results of the pre-IETF Berlin Symposium: “No Time to Wait!: Standardizing FFV1 & Matroska for Preservation”, and much more in this September edition of MediaConch newsletter. Sign up for the upcoming webinar on September 15th and meet MediaArea folks and PREFORMA at large during a workshop organised at iPRES in Bern, Switzerland on October 5th. Continue reading

Check out the results of the symposium organised In Berlin in conjunction with IETF’s 96th meeting and hosted by Deutsche Kinemathek, Zuse Institute Berlin, and MediaArea. The symposium brought together 70+ audiovisual archivists, technologists and format designers with a focus on the standardization of a preservation-grade audiovisual file format combination package. Continue reading

What’s new in MediaConch 16.06, now available for download on the PREFORMA Open Source Portal, and latest updates on the pre-IETF Berlin Symposium: No Time to Wait! A free workshop for audiovisual archivists, developers, and open standards working groups from July 18th – 20th hosted by the Deutsche Kinemathek, Zuse Institute Berlin, and MediaArea.net. Register to the workshop and learn more about MediaConch and PREFORMA! Continue reading

Bert Lemmens from PACKED, Peter Bubestinger from the Austrian Mediathek and Tessa Fallon from MediaArea presented the PREFORMA project, the work done towads the adoption and standardisation of FFv1 as a digital preservation format and MediaConch, at the FIAT/IFTA World Conference 2015. The Conference took place in Vienna from October 7th until October 10th 2015 and this year theme was: “Audiovisual Culture, a bridge to the future”. Continue reading

Here are a few updates about the efforts that PREFORMA is conduction towards the further standardisation of Matroska and FFv1 thanks to MediaArea, one of the PREFORMA suppliers that is working in the prototyping phase. Continue reading

Kate Murray, author for The Signal, the digital preservation blog of the Library of Congress, interviewed MediaConch’s Project Manager Dave Rice and Archivist Ashley Blewer, who explained the aim of the PREFORMA Project and the first results of MediaConch particularly on the standardisation of Matroska & FFv1. Continue reading

FFV1 and Matroska are on the agenda for the upcoming Internet Engineering Task Force Meeting on July 22nd in Prague. IETF PRAGUE 2015 is seen as a special Meeting which will cope with the topics of Engineering, Evolution Of Internet Technologie, Usage Of Protocols In The Internet, Operational Problems In The Internet and a lot more. Continue reading

Part of the PREFORMA project, MediaConch (Media Conformance Checker) consists of a suite of tools and features to enable comprehensive control, testing, and modification of select archival audiovisual formats, specifically Matroska, lossless FFV1, and LPCM. Continue reading

A free, three day symposium of workshops & presentations on the standardization & use of FFV1 & Matroska in archives. Hosted by Deutsche Kinemathek, Zuse Institute Berlin, and MediaArea.net and supported by the PREFORMA project, the event provides an opportunity for format inventors, developers, specification authors, and archivists to collaborate and advance AV preservation formats. Continue reading