Topic: europeana-space

by Vassilis Tzouvaras (NTUA) The workshop «Repurpose, Experience, Taste and Rethink Culture», was held on March 22, 2016 at INNOVATHENS, Technopolis, City of Athens. The workshop was organized by the National Technical University of Athens and with the support of PostScriptum. … Continue reading

How to creatively reuse & participate in digital culture: an event organized by NTUA with the support of PostScriptum, to present the WITH platform technology that is at the basis of E-Space Technical Space. This one day conference brought together … Continue reading

by Fred Truyen, KU Leuven. The Photography hackathon “Hack your Photo Heritage” took place on 25-27 February 2016, hosted at the FabLab of KU Leuven in Heverlee (Belgium). People attending were students, developers, cultural heritage professionals, photography people. Some teams … Continue reading

E-Space WITH is an innovative concept for an infrastructure, which exposes APIs from different portals and repositories. It allows the user to search content of interest from a single access point into different and disjointed repositories and databases such as Europeana, the DPLA Digital Public Library of America, YouTube.. and of course the Europeana Space own repository, currently under construction. Continue reading

Europeana Space is establishing a Technical Space as a framework for storing, accessing and processing cultural heritage content and metadata. Based upon IPR licensing, curators, scholars, professional users and developers will be able to search for and manage resources within … Continue reading

Important appointments organized by Europeana Space project in March 2015! The objective of Europeana Space is to increase and enhance the creative industries’ safe use of digital cultural content available in online repositories, by delivering a range of resources to … Continue reading

The plenary meeting of the project took place at the beautiful location of Ca’ Foscari University, one day ahead the Opening Conference of Europeana Space. After the welcome speeches by Sarah Whatley (Project Coordinator) and Leonardo Buzzavo (representing the hosting … Continue reading

Beside the project members, participants in the meeting were the EU Officer Marcel Waletet and the deputy director of Europeana Foundation Harry Verwayen. The kick-off meeting was already the place to start the organization of the first public event of Europeana Space: the appointment is in Venice, in October 2014 with a great opening conference organized by the hosting partner Università Ca’ Foscari. Continue reading