Topic: preforma

Results of the PREFORMA Innovation Workshop

Hosted at the Botanical Garden in Padua, the PREFORMA Innovation Workshop brought together more than 100 attendees interested in digital preservation and cultural heritage to present the open source conformance checkers developed in the project and discuss about the business models that can be built around them. The presentations delivered at the workshop are now available to download on the PREFORMA website. Continue reading

PREFORMA presented at ILIDE 2016, Innovative Library in Digital Era

Antonella Fresa, Technical Coordinator of PREFORMA, presented the project at the 19th edition of the ILIDE Conference. The presentation focused in particular on the open source approach and on the forthcoming testing phase, showing how the conformance checkers can be used and integrated in other systems. Continue reading

CloudScape and Net Futures 2016 dissemination opportunities

The AppHub team is glad to welcome you and your partners involved in open source innovation in Brussels, at two upcoming events, with interactive support for your project and AppHub Store demontrations: CloudScape and NetFutures 2016. Do not miss these opportunities to deploy and run your software on multiple clouds, physical and virtual infrastructures. Continue reading

KOST-Val released by the TI/A Standard Initiative team

KOST-Val is an open source validator for different file formats (TIFF, SIARD, PDF/A, JP2, JPEG) and Submission Information Package (SIP). It has been developed by KOST-CECO, is a Swiss coordination office which is member of the TI/A Standard Initiative team, a group of experts focussing on the definition of a specification of a Archival TIFF Format. Continue reading

PREFORMA presented at IBC 2015

Erwin Verbruggen from the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision presented PREFORMA at the EBU Open Source Meetup at IBC 2015 in Amsterdam, which featured a series of 5 minutes lightning talks on open source projects and use cases from the broadcast domain. The presentation focused on the media conformance checking of AV files. Continue reading

OpenForum Academy Event

The University of Skovde will present PREFORMA during an event organised by OpenForum Academy network to raise an awareness of the project amongst participants and to highlight and discuss the opportunities for small and large companies to become involved in the tender. Continue reading

PREFORMA @ FOSDEM Conference 2014

Representatives from the project will participate at FOSDEM 2014 in Brussels, a two-day event organised by volunteers to promote the widespread use of open source software, in order to promote opportunities for open source development in the context of the PREFORMA project. Continue reading


FOSDEM is a two-day free event organised by volunteers to promote the widespread use of open source software, offering open source communities a place to meet, share ideas and collaborate. It is renowned for being highly developer-oriented and brings together 5000+ geeks from all over the world. Continue reading

OSSCOM 2015: International Conference on Open Source Software Computing

An international forum organised by OSSCOM for experts, professionals, researchers, and students to promote, share, and discuss Open-Source Software (OSS) services, resources, applications, products, and tools. Continue reading