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- Vila-seca, Catalonia, Spain. June 17-20, 2025
The ATLAS Annual Conference 2025 is taking place from 17 to 20 June 2025 in Vila-seca, Catalonia, organised by the ATLAS Association for Tourism and Leisure Education and Research. The theme of the event of this year is Tourist destinations … Continue reading →
- Launch of new book: Creative Tourism, Regenerative Development, and Destination Resilience
The CREATOUR Observatory delivered the new interesting book Creative Tourism, Regenerative Development, and Destination Resilience. The book draws upon the international conference, “Creative Tourism, Regenerative Development, and Destination Resilience”, which was held 8 to 10 November 2022 in the Azores, … Continue reading →
Tag: Paris

A poster of PREFORMA has been presented at the International Conference on Information Technologies for Epigraphy and Digital Cultural Heritage in the Ancient World organised by the EAGLE project. The poster is also showcased in the Conference Digital Exhibition web page. Continue reading

The First International Conference of the EAGLE project (Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy) “Information Technologies for Epigraphy and Digital Cultural Heritage in the Ancient World”, organised with the support of Collège de France Chaire Religion, institutions et société de la Rome antique and École Normale Supérieure, was a great success. Continue reading

PREFORMA project will participate with a poster to the conference “Succeed in digitisation. Spreading excellence”, organised by the Succeed project on November 28th, 2014 at Bibliothèque nationale de France. Continue reading

This event will bring together application developers, information professionals, technology researchers and decision makers in the cultural domain to explore current technical challenges around digitisation and re-use of cultural content, learn about new developments and establish future collaborations. Continue reading

‘All for One – One for All: Common Concerns – Shared Solutions’ is the title of the IASA 2015 Conference, organised in Paris by the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives. The paper “MediaConch: An open source audiovisual file conformance checker” has been accepted and will be presented by MediaArea. Continue reading

Multilingualism is crucial especially in a European context. The seminar has presented one of the achievement of the Linked Heritage Work Package 3 with the Terminology Management Platform (TMP) and brought together other European and national initiatives creating and developping multilingual terminology resources or tools for managing or reusing them. Continue reading

Augmented Reality was initially used for military, industrial, and medical applications, but was soon applied to commercial and entertainment areas as well. In the cultural sector, it can be of particular relevance in the fields of archaeology, architecture, art, city planning, for applications in tourism, education, social innovation Continue reading

In France, a full-scale experimentation has been led in the south of Paris since 2007, in partnership with the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris. This exceptional area is turned into a unique observatory for urban, social and technologic innovation. The project can count on a network of very valuable European partners. Continue reading

Heritage Experience gives the public the opportunity to create their own unique and surprising films at the CIUP. It is an initiative within the Smartcity project; a vast programme of reflexion and creation on the concept of the “intelligent city”. Continue reading

Our correspondents from France inform about a biennal international festival dedicated to electronic cultures and emerging artistic forms. Emergences festival presents innovative projects (hybridization of the artistic forms, new writings, scenography and the relationship to public, way of production) by giving a particular attention to the “emergent” artists. Continue reading