Tag: photography

The Carl Simon Photo Archive – Discovered After 60 Years

The Carl Simon Archive was a sleeping treasure of photos for 60 years. In 2011 finally the sensational life work of Carl Simon was rediscovered in an old storage room in Unterbilk, part of the city of Düsseldorf, Germany. Now it belongs to United-Archives. Continue reading


February 2012: Parisienne de Photography, Roger-Viollet’s parent company, joins the EuropeanaPhotography project: 30.000 images from the agency’s own collections will be digitised and contributed to Europeana within the next 3 years. Continue reading

Photo Vernissage 2011, Saint Petersburg : «Melody and Passion of Mediterranean Italy, Spain»

An international photography exhibition, which included two vast sections, fostered the dialogue among three different countries. Continue reading