Identity Matters: enriching heritage to meet a new era / RICHES final conference

Borders blur. Disciplines merge. Barriers come down. The 21st century is a time of repositioning, and there is a key role to play for heritage. How do we (re)present ourselves, our public, our archives, our countries and our institutes? This was … Continue reading

RICHES presented at Digital Past 2016 – New technologies in heritage, interpretation & outreach

Organised by the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales, Digital Past is an annual two day conference which showcases innovative digital technologies and techniques for data capture, interpretation and dissemination of the heritage of Wales, the … Continue reading

RICHES and Civic Epistemologies present the Berlin Charter

During the International Conference “Digital Heritage and Innovation, Engagement and Identity”, held in Berlin on 12-13 November 2015, the partners of CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES (www.civic-epistemologies.eu) and RICHES (www.riches-project.eu) projects proposed the adoption of the Berlin Charter, a set of principles for encouraging … Continue reading

RICHES latest outcomes shared

In the EC website of Research and Innovation, at the section of Social Science and Humanities, the latest  outcomes of Riches project were just published: http://ec.europa.eu/research/social-sciences/index.cfm The European Commission announces today new initiatives Towards a modern, more European copyright framework. … Continue reading

CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES @ Panel session at DISH 2015 Conference

The CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES project is continuing to be disseminated worldwide also after the end of the funding period. DISH2015 conference is a perfect place for discussing the many challenges faced by cultural institutions, and the needs they have to make strategic … Continue reading

Panel session at DISH 2015 on Digital Cultural Heritage and its impact

It is of the utmost importance that the context of change generated by the advent of digitization and digital technologies, and its implication on the society at large, are discussed in as many occasions as possible. DISH2015 conference is a … Continue reading

GLAMURS project joins RICHES network

  A Cooperation Agreement was recently signed between RICHES and FP7 project GLAMURS. Coordinated by University of A Coruna, GLAMURS started in January 2014 and will support policymakers, businesses, and citizens to make the right decisions on the way towards a … Continue reading

MEMOLA – European Policy Brief ” The impact of European Water Policy on the Water Cultural Heritage”

This document summarises MEMOLA project findings with regard to the impact of the European Water Policy on the cultural heritage associated with historical irrigation systems and presents suggestions for policy interventions. MEMOLA is associated partner of RICHES project for a … Continue reading

Launched the RICHES Resources website

The RICHES Consortium launched in November 2015 a new website dedicated to the RICHES resources, where all the main outcomes of the project (reports, publications, toolkits, links, etc.) are made available for any interested users.   The results of RICHES’ … Continue reading

Important RICHES days in Berlin

Jointed with the Civic Epistemologies final conference, partner SPK hosted the RICHES consortium for a double event in Berklin: the project plenary and the workshop session during the conference. On the 10 and 11 November 2015, the plenary meeting of the … Continue reading