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- PREFORMA POPULAR TAGS in Digitalmeetsculture
- audiovisual Berlin Brussels call for tender conformance check cultural heritage digital archive digital preservation DPF Manager FFv1 file format validation file formats IPRES MediaArea.net MediaConch open source Open Source Portal open source software PCP PDF/A policy checker PREFORMA standards TIFF VeraPDF
Topic: preforma

Digital preservation means taking precautions to ensure long-term access to digital content. It mitigates the risk of files becoming obsolete or unusable in the future. The PREFORMA tools help you validate incoming file formats and codecs against their standard specification, define custom acceptance criteria, and build an efficient ingest workflow. Download and try them from the PREFORMA Open Source Portal! Continue reading

The PREFORMA project works on one of the main challenges memory institutions are facing nowadays: the long-term preservation of digital data. This issue is also important for LIBER’s community. They’re therefore collaborating with PREFORMA to encourage memory institutions to answer a PREFORMA survey on this topic. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated, and will help to shape future memory standards. Continue reading

PREFORMA’s proposals for a workshop (“Quality standards for preserving digital cultural heritage”) and a talk (“Status of CELLAR: Update from an IETF Working Group for Matroska and FFV1”) have been both accepted at IPRES 2016, the longest standing digital preservation conference in the world, bringing together key theorists, researchers and practitioners to explore the latest trends, innovations, policies and practices in digital preservation. Continue reading

If you are involved somehow in ICT procurement and want to know how other organizations similar to yours are successfully dealing with ICT “lock-in” when procuring their ICT Systems, you are warmly invited to attend the “Open ICT Standards for Public Procurement: Fostering interoperability” workshop, taking place in Brussels – at DG CONNECT – on November 13th, 2015. Continue reading

20 October, 3 November and 4 November 2015: three appointments where you can learn more about PREFORMA in Sweden. Börje Justrell, Magnus Geber and Benjamin Yousefi from Riksarkivet, PREFORMA Project Coordinator, will talk in general about the project, of how to contribute, of the role of PDF/A and of the use of standardised file formats for preservation. Continue reading

The article “Digital curation and quality standards for memory institutions: PREFORMA research project” has just been published in the Archive Science Journal – S.I. Digital Curation – and it is available as ‘Online First’ on SpringerLink. Continue reading

A cooperation agreement has been signed between the two projects for the promotion and presentation of the respective results and the organisation of joint events and activities, focusing in particular on the use and quality check of common standards for digitisation and long term preservation of textual content. Continue reading

Succeed in digitisation. Spreading excellence is the name of the Succeed’s final conference to be held on November 28th, 2014 at Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF), in which the final results of the project will be presented. Continue reading

The networking session organised by PREFORMA in the frame of the EGI Community Forum in Helsinki presented to the interested audience the new opportunities offered by the PCP launched by PREFORMA. Download here the presentations that were delivered during the session. Continue reading

The meeting, organised by the Innovation Unit of the European Commission, represented a good opportunity to raise awareness of PREFORMA, collect information about good practices and find synergies with other running PCP projects. Continue reading