Tag: sustainable tourism

Policy roundtable of EU-funded projects on sustainable cultural tourism

Text and image courtesy of Joao Martins, UNINOVA Lisbon. On Tuesday October 11th 2022, a policy round table was held between European Policy Makers and representatives of the six projects that were funded in the Transformations-04 call dedicated to sustainable … Continue reading

INCULTUM meeting about policies, innovation and training

On the 5th September 2022, in an online meeting coordinated by partner Bibracte, the INCULTUM partners met to discuss the ongoing work in the area of policy recommendations and innovation. After a brief opening introduction by Antonella Fresa (Promoter), the … Continue reading

AQUA final conference and INCULTUM

The AQUA final conference is the concluding event of the Horto Aquam Salutarem research project, financed by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia in Portugal (PTDC/HAR-HIS/28627/2017). Prof. Desidério Batista, as researcher in the project and member of the scientific … Continue reading

Landscape of norias pots of Campina in the ‘Uses and Memories of Water’ course

Professor Desidério Batista participated in the Course of the History of Algarve on Uses and Memories of Water running from 5 to 28 July, delivering presentations about INCULTUM and the Portuguese pilot, talking about the landscape of norias pots of … Continue reading

INCULTUM and Be.CULTOUR meet to discuss synergies

The network and communication teams of INCULTUM and Be.CULTOUR met on 29th July for a talk to know better each other. In facts the two projects are funded from the same EC call and have many things in common, among … Continue reading

Meeting in Lisbon for projects on sustainable cultural tourism

Organized by IMPACTOUR project coordinator prof. João Martins from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the NOVA School of Science and Technology in Lisbon, a friendly meeting took place on 5th July in hybrid format, attended by the representatives … Continue reading

RURALIZATION and INCULTUM establish collaboration

 Dreaming of an escape to the country? Rural living in Europe is currently on the decline, but why? What tools and dynamic approaches are needed in rural areas to stimulate innovation and create opportunities for newcomers and established communities … Continue reading

IN LOCO and INCULTUM join forces for enabling participative approaches in local development

IN LOCO is an Association, very active in Portugal to support local development. IN LOCO in facts aims to promote local-based development with a view to improving the quality of life in its multiple dimensions, also seeing local development as … Continue reading

INCULTUM Pilot at the 10th Congress on Rural Studies at the University of Algarve

This congress was hosted and co-organized by the Faculty of Sciences and Technology and by the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences of the University of Algarve, with participation of the Team of INCULTUM Pilot focused on research and recovery … Continue reading

Collaboration between INCULTUM pilot in Portugal and University of Seville

images courtesy of University of Algarve. The Portuguese pilot of INCULTUM over the Campina de Faro (Algarve) launched a collaboration with professors and students of Architecture at the University of Seville, started with a study and fieldwork in Portugal in … Continue reading