Tag: workshop

Workshop: Co-creating augmented cultural experiences in Albertopolis

In conjunction with the international Engineering & Product Design Education Conference, and the EU PLUGGY project, Imperial College and Royal College of Art are hosting a free co-design workshop for participants to co-create cultural experiences based on the rich design … Continue reading

Upcoming workshop: “Diversity and Local Contexts: Adaptation and Heritage”

The Faculty of Social Sciences (Institute of Sociological Studies)  and the Faculty of Arts  (Institute of World History) of Charles University in cooperation with  the Czech division of the UNESCO–MOST Program, organized a 2 days workshop on”Diversity and Local Contexts: … Continue reading

Small towns in promotion of their cultural heritage: possibilities and experiences

The project team in Prague has organized the first meeting of the REACH network of associate partners. The event took place on February 15th and was arranged in the format of a one-day workshop that was intended to prepare ground … Continue reading

Registration open for the workshop in Padua

After the two successful events organised last year in Stockholm and in Berlin, the PREFORMA project invites all the members of the digital preservation community to attend the PREFORMA Innovation Workshop which will be held in Padua on 7 March 2017. Register now not to miss this opportunity to meet our developers, share your experiences and learn more about the tools! Continue reading

AppHub PlugFest in Berlin

Looking for exploitation and dissemination opportunities for your project in virtual and cloud environments? The AppHub open source marketplace promotes your software, improves its portability and help you grow your community. The main objective of the AppHub Workshops is to assist European open source project to bring their software into the AppHub European Open Source Marketplace. Continue reading


Friday, 8 April 2016, 9.00-16.00 Brussels, Covent Garden, 9th floor, room 183 (COV2 9.0183) 16, Place Charles Rogier, BE-1210 Brussels This workshop gathered projects on Social Sciences and Humanities that focus on different aspects of cultures and citizenship. Agenda and … Continue reading

International experts explore the context of change and the move from analogue to digital

In order to understand this context of change, the RICHES project organised a workshop at the Turkish National Library (Ankara, Turkey). Two intense days of discussion allowed the participants to discuss key questions about how these transformations are evolving, and identify the main opportunities and trends for the upcoming years. Continue reading

The context of change and the move from Analogue to Digital

In the 21st century, the world faces epochal changes which affect every part of society, including the arenas in which Cultural Heritage (CH) is made, held, collected, curated, exhibited or simply exists. This workshop provided a framework to understand this context of change and the impact of the move from analogue to digital. International experts met in Ankara (Turkey) on 13-14 May 2015 to attend the event, organised in the framework of the European project RICHES (Renewal, Innovation and Change: Heritage and European society). Continue reading

PCP on digital preservation @ EGI CF 2014, Helsinki

Proposal for a workshop organised by PREFORMA in the frame of the EGI Community Forum in Helsinki. Aim of this event is to present to the whole digital preservation community – open source community, developers, standardization bodies and memory institutions – the new opportunities offered by the project and by the forthcoming call for tender. Continue reading

CULTURA Results Transfer Workshop

Supporting researchers in exploring and examining digitised artefacts presents many challenges in terms of understanding each researcher’s needs, performing appropriate manipulation of and uplift from content, and in presenting a suite of useful research tools to facilitate exploration. This virtual/physical workshop will use CULTURA as a case study to drive discussion by presenting demonstrations and results from the project. The outputs of this workshop will be captured and placed online. Continue reading